Fire & Ice by Todd Norcross

Fire & Ice by Todd Norcross

Join The Dojo’s Chief Budo Instructor Todd Ryotoshi Norcross and guest Black Belt instructors for an introduction into the elements of water (Sui) and fire (Ka).

Water (Sui) Principles
Straight/Hook Punch Defense
Ground-Guard Escape
Headlock Defenses
Senundo Line Drill
Low Punch/Kick Defense
‘Bear Hug’ Escape
2-punch Outside Angling
Jacket Grab and Punch Water Pivoting
Hon-Gyaku Wrist Lock
Cross-Wrist Grab Escape
Fire (Ka) Principles
Jab/Straight Punch Defense
Ganseki Nage
Irimi Nage
Hook Punch Defense
Ground Leg-Lock Takedown
Kick Defense
Cross Grab Defense
Low Punch Defense
Lapel Grab Defense
Osoto Gake Takedown

Fire & Ice by Todd Norcross